Catch-up Curriculum


For pupils in early years:

  • For children in nursery: we are focusing on the prime areas of learning, including communication and language; personal, social and emotional development (PSED); and physical development
  • For children in reception: we are focusing on the above, but also assessing and addressing gaps in language, early reading and maths, particularly ensuring children’s acquisition of phonic knowledge and extending their vocabulary and follow up with a bespoke plan for individuals, groups and adapt the daily timetable accordingly and as frequently as needed
  • For all children: we are following updates to the disapplication guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage and considering how all groups of children can be given equal opportunities for outdoor learning
  • Further guidance and detailed information can be discussed with the Early Years Team.


For pupils in KS1 and KS2, we have prioritised:

  • Identifying gaps and re-establishing good progress in the 'essentials' (phonics and reading, increasing vocabulary, writing and maths):

Gaps in learning has been identified in a number of ways:

  1. Staff (from 2019-2020 academic year) identifying missed learning and using the Rift House non-negotiables to create a traffic light system so new teachers are guided to which objectives of the curriculum to prioritise and assess in September (appendix 1). Shared in transition
  2. By carrying out a range of assessment activities in the core subjects in the first week of school in September (see 3-day timetable – appendix 2). An agreed assessment pro-forma (appendix 3) has been used to establish individual, group and whole class objectives specific to the core fundamentals that need to be re-established in the coming term following on from this 3-day teaching. It also allows staff to identify any early interventions that needs to be put in place therefore re-establishing good progress.

Science – One of the units missed were identified and streamlined to form a science afternoon (3-day timetable), to ensure children caught up on any missed objectives. The other units objectives missed is readdressed throughout the academic year 2020-2021.

  1. Non-core subjects were looked at closely by subject leaders before the Summer and staff identified any missed learning that needed to be caught up on in the September term. These were then shared and subject leaders supported staff members during meetings and through resources. The findings of this showed:

A new curriculum was to be introduced for computing, PSHCE and RE so therefore did not require any catch up.

Because of the alternating teaching of History and Geography over each term, and due to recent CPD around history and therefore the double application of the subject prior, no history objectives were missed. Therefore, the three day timetable (appendix 2) created a whole afternoon of geography where the missed objectives from the previous year would be covered. Any other missed subject knowledge was to be established through guided reading chosen texts. This will also ensure children read more widely and contribute to the curriculum remaining broad and balanced.

The majority of art objectives were covered in the academic year 2019-2020. Those not covered were either repeated in the next academic year or through DT, and therefore the art curriculum could be followed as usual and coverage would remain.

An afternoon of DT would be taught in the three day timetable (appendix 2) to catch up on a missed unit of work, where objectives would not be covered in the coming year and this would be used to inform non-fiction writing to gain assessment information around children’s writing and give meaning.


In line with current government guidance around singing and the sharing of resources and equipment, music will be taught in Autumn 2, when the guidance has been reviewed. It will be adapted to meet the objectives of the NC where possible. It will include the teaching of a musical instrument for identified year groups and will be risk assessed according to guidance.

After reviewing the languages and PE curriculum, it was clear that all missed objectives would be covered in the following academic year – so no catch up action was needed.

Note: Appendix 3, outlines for each year group non-core objectives to be caught up on. The three-day timetable (appendix 2) reflects these findings.

Re-establishing good progress in the core subjects through planning, resources and assessment. Staff were involved in a number of training sessions before breaking up for the Summer. These included what resources we would utilize, what guidance would ensure good progress and how this would be implemented in ever day teaching. Each subject was delivered by subject leaders and included:

  1. English –

Updated MTP to include a larger breadth of authors, including female and cultural variants.

Planning exemplars revisited for fiction, non-fiction, poetry and novel approach teaching to ensure consistency and curriculum momentum.

Revisiting of marking expectations across the subject so that marking is purposeful and moves children on in their learning.

Training around the application of guided reading and group work in line with Covid guidance, to ensure specific reading support can be identified and that a range of elements within the reading curriculum proven to secure progress is present e.g. reading for pleasure, group learning, vocabulary identification etc.

  1. Maths –

Knowledge organisers fom years 1-6 shared so staff are able to easily identify gaps and build on prior learning.

Mixed age group planning framework from the White Rose utilized to ensure staff are aware of the building blocks missed and can plan for these before moving on to their year group curriculum.

New planning pro-forma developed to ensure prior knowledge can be built upon and the three key fundamentals of the maths curriculum can be catered to.

  1. Science-

Current practices revisited and shared to ensure understanding.

On return to school staff have had training on making use of accelerated learning teaching practices through well researched and proven strategies this include the adoption of Rosenshine’s Principles of Instructions – a summary PDF can be provided.


Curriculum and wellbeing

Having a plan to support the wellbeing of pupils and allowing them time to become familiar with new routines was enabled through timetabling (appendix 2), training for staff and planning. We understood the importance that pupils needed to be feeling positive about being back at school, for their own mental health and to be able to access and embrace the curriculum. On our PD Day before the return of pupils to school, teaching (including early years staff) and support staff received safeguarding update training and training around helping staff to: understand the spectrum of issues for pupils returning to school; spot the signs of anxiety, trauma and grief; and, act to support pupils who are struggling with any of these issues – including making use of the ‘Talk to the Team’ resource. Further guidance can also be found in our Home School Agreement: Covid.



Staff have attended CPD sessions around best practice for accelerating learning that includes the type of interventions to be used and when – see PPT – appendix ?. For further information please see the highlighted LA Document as to what interventions the school has training on and is planning to use.


Marking Policy and Display policy

The marking policy has been revisited and developed to continue to support the progress of children and act as a strong form of feedback in a child’s learning journey, while maintaining the safety of all pupils and staff. A stamp approach has been introduced to indicate proactive feedback during a session. Stamps are a timely way to ensure feedback and can be used by asking children move back, while the adult is able to not face the child and stamp their books. More information can be found in the school’s marking policy.

The display policy reflects current guidance for each subject and ensures key learning and safety is promoted in all year groups. New subject specific display policies also actively promote developing and building on their knowledge and vocabulary, and include missed learning More information can be found in the school’s display policy.


A broad and balanced curriculum:

Across the school we will keep the curriculum broad, so that the majority of pupils are taught a full range of subjects over the year (e.g. sciences, humanities, the arts, PE, RE) – see appendix 10 for an example timetable that reflects the new individual year group staggered start, finish and lunch times. Therefore, interventions will be carefully planned for and timetabled holding this viewpoint at its heart. Equally, we recognise that creating a familiar routine through timetabling subjects to be included daily/weekly as before school closure will provide children and staff with a level of familiarity that will promote wellbeing for all. For the first term, at least, children will not participate in educational visits.



Assemblies have been adapted to ensure that achievements, key messages and wellbeing continue to be a priority and will be held in virtual form displayed on screens in classrooms. Detailed guidance can be found in appendix 9.


Home learning:

In the event that bubbles need to self-isolate and cannot come into school, school will work hard to create a three week home learning plan that can be quickly put into place via SeeSaw (see appendix 4,5 & 6 home learning timetables KS1 and 2 and three week expectations). We have created a similar stand-alone individual plan for individuals who are unable to attend school also (appendix 7) – for those children unable to access technology a home learning paper pack will be delivered at the start of the isolation period, for those children who are able to access new learning independently they will have access to the learning that takes place at school – for those not able, the aforementioned plan will be implemented. These plans will include a timetabled day similar to that expected at school, it will address core and non-core learning in a differentiated way so that children have continued support, and the three week plan will include ‘live’ sessions through Microsoft Teams for different sessions throughout the week, worksheets, small tasks, electronic books and educational gaming platforms. Staff and children will be taught how to make use of this software as a priority on return to school and a refresher will be given on the uses of SeeSaw for staff and children. In the event that a teaching member is unable to deliver and monitor the home learning plan, we have a number of key staff who will be able to cover this: RB, LB and KM. Marking and feedback will be through our learning platform and will be given daily – see attached documents for specifics. For those children with additional needs individual tailored packs have been created in book form for each individual child (class 7).


We have also created two week consolidation packs with accompanying PPTs so that classes continue to maintain progress in the event of teacher absence (see appendix 8 for an overview of how packs have been created).


Weekly phone calls will take place for all children self-isolating whether individually or as a bubble and support will be offered to all families – note: this may be in the form of the wellbeing/safeguarding team if necessary. Questionnaires will be sent out to children and parents to give us access to feedback and make adaptations as necessary. The wellbeing team will have a log of these along with outcomes.
Training has been given to staff around the acceptable use of technology and expectations for all stakeholders. Further guidance can be found in the following policies:

• Remote Learning Policy
• RHPS – Teams AUP chn
• RHPS – Parent Guide to Microsoft Teams and Parent Quick Guide

Planning and delivering of a home learning curriculum has been monitored and supported by members of the SLT – a monitoring log proforma can be found in appendix 11 of this document.
Subject leaders are able to monitor specific subject tasks set by teachers though our shared area and subject engagement is to be monitored on the agreed pro-forma – appendix 12. 

Note: The Department for Education is planning on the basis that statutory primary assessments will take place in summer 2021, although it has delayed the introduction of the new reception baseline assessment until September 2021.


A summary of the above information can be found in our ‘Tiered Approach Document’.


Catch up Curriculum Appendicies

appendix_9_assemblies.docx .docx
appendix_6_homelearning_expectations.docx .docx
appendix_1_transition_objectives_catch_up.docx .docx
Appendix_12_Individual_subject_engagement.docx .docx
Appendix_11_Home_Learning_Monitoring_Log_SLT.docx .docx
Appendix_10_Example_school_timetable.docx .docx
Appendix_8_Staff_only_isolation_teaching_PPT_and_Pack.docx .docx
Appendix_7_Individual_home_learning_plan.docx .docx
Appendix_5_Homelearning_Timetable_KS2.docx .docx
Appendix_4_Homelearning_Timetable_KS1.docx .docx

Home learning


Display policies

Appendix_2.pdf .pdf .pub
Computing_Display_Policy_1_.docx .docx
Writing_Display_Policy.docx .docx
Science_Display_policy.docx .docx
Reading_Display_Policy.docx .docx
RE_Displays.docx .docx
PE_Display_outline_2020_2021.docx .docx
Maths.docx .docx
LANGUAGES_Displays.docx .docx

Marking And Feedback Documents

04_Day_to_Day_Ass_Strategies_1_.pdf .pdf
Marking_policy_RE_and_French.docx .docx
Marking_Pencils.docx .docx
Marking_Overview_Green_and_Blue_Pen.docx .docx
Marking_in_PE.docx .docx
Framework_for_Marking_Writing.docx .docx
Feedback_marking_maths.pdf .pdf
All_other_subjects_marking_and_feedback.docx .docx
Science_Marking.docx .docx

Catch-up Curriculum


For pupils in early years:

  • For children in nursery: we are focusing on the prime areas of learning, including communication and language; personal, social and emotional development (PSED); and physical development
  • For children in reception: we are focusing on the above, but also assessing and addressing gaps in language, early reading and maths, particularly ensuring children’s acquisition of phonic knowledge and extending their vocabulary and follow up with a bespoke plan for individuals, groups and adapt the daily timetable accordingly and as frequently as needed
  • For all children: we are following updates to the disapplication guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage and considering how all groups of children can be given equal opportunities for outdoor learning
  • Further guidance and detailed information can be discussed with the Early Years Team.


For pupils in KS1 and KS2, we have prioritised:

  • Identifying gaps and re-establishing good progress in the 'essentials' (phonics and reading, increasing vocabulary, writing and maths):

Gaps in learning has been identified in a number of ways:

  1. Staff (from 2019-2020 academic year) identifying missed learning and using the Rift House non-negotiables to create a traffic light system so new teachers are guided to which objectives of the curriculum to prioritise and assess in September (appendix 1). Shared in transition
  2. By carrying out a range of assessment activities in the core subjects in the first week of school in September (see 3-day timetable – appendix 2). An agreed assessment pro-forma (appendix 3) has been used to establish individual, group and whole class objectives specific to the core fundamentals that need to be re-established in the coming term following on from this 3-day teaching. It also allows staff to identify any early interventions that needs to be put in place therefore re-establishing good progress.

Science – One of the units missed were identified and streamlined to form a science afternoon (3-day timetable), to ensure children caught up on any missed objectives. The other units objectives missed is readdressed throughout the academic year 2020-2021.

  1. Non-core subjects were looked at closely by subject leaders before the Summer and staff identified any missed learning that needed to be caught up on in the September term. These were then shared and subject leaders supported staff members during meetings and through resources. The findings of this showed:

A new curriculum was to be introduced for computing, PSHCE and RE so therefore did not require any catch up.

Because of the alternating teaching of History and Geography over each term, and due to recent CPD around history and therefore the double application of the subject prior, no history objectives were missed. Therefore, the three day timetable (appendix 2) created a whole afternoon of geography where the missed objectives from the previous year would be covered. Any other missed subject knowledge was to be established through guided reading chosen texts. This will also ensure children read more widely and contribute to the curriculum remaining broad and balanced.

The majority of art objectives were covered in the academic year 2019-2020. Those not covered were either repeated in the next academic year or through DT, and therefore the art curriculum could be followed as usual and coverage would remain.

An afternoon of DT would be taught in the three day timetable (appendix 2) to catch up on a missed unit of work, where objectives would not be covered in the coming year and this would be used to inform non-fiction writing to gain assessment information around children’s writing and give meaning.


In line with current government guidance around singing and the sharing of resources and equipment, music will be taught in Autumn 2, when the guidance has been reviewed. It will be adapted to meet the objectives of the NC where possible. It will include the teaching of a musical instrument for identified year groups and will be risk assessed according to guidance.

After reviewing the languages and PE curriculum, it was clear that all missed objectives would be covered in the following academic year – so no catch up action was needed.

Note: Appendix 3, outlines for each year group non-core objectives to be caught up on. The three-day timetable (appendix 2) reflects these findings.

Re-establishing good progress in the core subjects through planning, resources and assessment. Staff were involved in a number of training sessions before breaking up for the Summer. These included what resources we would utilize, what guidance would ensure good progress and how this would be implemented in ever day teaching. Each subject was delivered by subject leaders and included:

  1. English –

Updated MTP to include a larger breadth of authors, including female and cultural variants.

Planning exemplars revisited for fiction, non-fiction, poetry and novel approach teaching to ensure consistency and curriculum momentum.

Revisiting of marking expectations across the subject so that marking is purposeful and moves children on in their learning.

Training around the application of guided reading and group work in line with Covid guidance, to ensure specific reading support can be identified and that a range of elements within the reading curriculum proven to secure progress is present e.g. reading for pleasure, group learning, vocabulary identification etc.

  1. Maths –

Knowledge organisers fom years 1-6 shared so staff are able to easily identify gaps and build on prior learning.

Mixed age group planning framework from the White Rose utilized to ensure staff are aware of the building blocks missed and can plan for these before moving on to their year group curriculum.

New planning pro-forma developed to ensure prior knowledge can be built upon and the three key fundamentals of the maths curriculum can be catered to.

  1. Science-

Current practices revisited and shared to ensure understanding.

On return to school staff have had training on making use of accelerated learning teaching practices through well researched and proven strategies this include the adoption of Rosenshine’s Principles of Instructions – a summary PDF can be provided.


Curriculum and wellbeing

Having a plan to support the wellbeing of pupils and allowing them time to become familiar with new routines was enabled through timetabling (appendix 2), training for staff and planning. We understood the importance that pupils needed to be feeling positive about being back at school, for their own mental health and to be able to access and embrace the curriculum. On our PD Day before the return of pupils to school, teaching (including early years staff) and support staff received safeguarding update training and training around helping staff to: understand the spectrum of issues for pupils returning to school; spot the signs of anxiety, trauma and grief; and, act to support pupils who are struggling with any of these issues – including making use of the ‘Talk to the Team’ resource. Further guidance can also be found in our Home School Agreement: Covid.



Staff have attended CPD sessions around best practice for accelerating learning that includes the type of interventions to be used and when – see PPT – appendix ?. For further information please see the highlighted LA Document as to what interventions the school has training on and is planning to use.


Marking Policy and Display policy

The marking policy has been revisited and developed to continue to support the progress of children and act as a strong form of feedback in a child’s learning journey, while maintaining the safety of all pupils and staff. A stamp approach has been introduced to indicate proactive feedback during a session. Stamps are a timely way to ensure feedback and can be used by asking children move back, while the adult is able to not face the child and stamp their books. More information can be found in the school’s marking policy.

The display policy reflects current guidance for each subject and ensures key learning and safety is promoted in all year groups. New subject specific display policies also actively promote developing and building on their knowledge and vocabulary, and include missed learning More information can be found in the school’s display policy.


A broad and balanced curriculum:

Across the school we will keep the curriculum broad, so that the majority of pupils are taught a full range of subjects over the year (e.g. sciences, humanities, the arts, PE, RE) – see appendix 10 for an example timetable that reflects the new individual year group staggered start, finish and lunch times. Therefore, interventions will be carefully planned for and timetabled holding this viewpoint at its heart. Equally, we recognise that creating a familiar routine through timetabling subjects to be included daily/weekly as before school closure will provide children and staff with a level of familiarity that will promote wellbeing for all. For the first term, at least, children will not participate in educational visits.



Assemblies have been adapted to ensure that achievements, key messages and wellbeing continue to be a priority and will be held in virtual form displayed on screens in classrooms. Detailed guidance can be found in appendix 9.


Home learning:

In the event that bubbles need to self-isolate and cannot come into school, school will work hard to create a three week home learning plan that can be quickly put into place via SeeSaw (see appendix 4,5 & 6 home learning timetables KS1 and 2 and three week expectations). We have created a similar stand-alone individual plan for individuals who are unable to attend school also (appendix 7) – for those children unable to access technology a home learning paper pack will be delivered at the start of the isolation period, for those children who are able to access new learning independently they will have access to the learning that takes place at school – for those not able, the aforementioned plan will be implemented. These plans will include a timetabled day similar to that expected at school, it will address core and non-core learning in a differentiated way so that children have continued support, and the three week plan will include ‘live’ sessions through Microsoft Teams for different sessions throughout the week, worksheets, small tasks, electronic books and educational gaming platforms. Staff and children will be taught how to make use of this software as a priority on return to school and a refresher will be given on the uses of SeeSaw for staff and children. In the event that a teaching member is unable to deliver and monitor the home learning plan, we have a number of key staff who will be able to cover this: RB, LB and KM. Marking and feedback will be through our learning platform and will be given daily – see attached documents for specifics. For those children with additional needs individual tailored packs have been created in book form for each individual child (class 7).


We have also created two week consolidation packs with accompanying PPTs so that classes continue to maintain progress in the event of teacher absence (see appendix 8 for an overview of how packs have been created).


Weekly phone calls will take place for all children self-isolating whether individually or as a bubble and support will be offered to all families – note: this may be in the form of the wellbeing/safeguarding team if necessary. Questionnaires will be sent out to children and parents to give us access to feedback and make adaptations as necessary. The wellbeing team will have a log of these along with outcomes.
Training has been given to staff around the acceptable use of technology and expectations for all stakeholders. Further guidance can be found in the following policies:

• Remote Learning Policy
• RHPS – Teams AUP chn
• RHPS – Parent Guide to Microsoft Teams and Parent Quick Guide

Planning and delivering of a home learning curriculum has been monitored and supported by members of the SLT – a monitoring log proforma can be found in appendix 11 of this document.
Subject leaders are able to monitor specific subject tasks set by teachers though our shared area and subject engagement is to be monitored on the agreed pro-forma – appendix 12. 

Note: The Department for Education is planning on the basis that statutory primary assessments will take place in summer 2021, although it has delayed the introduction of the new reception baseline assessment until September 2021.


A summary of the above information can be found in our ‘Tiered Approach Document’.


Catch up Curriculum Appendicies

appendix_9_assemblies.docx .docx
appendix_6_homelearning_expectations.docx .docx
appendix_1_transition_objectives_catch_up.docx .docx
Appendix_12_Individual_subject_engagement.docx .docx
Appendix_11_Home_Learning_Monitoring_Log_SLT.docx .docx
Appendix_10_Example_school_timetable.docx .docx
Appendix_8_Staff_only_isolation_teaching_PPT_and_Pack.docx .docx
Appendix_7_Individual_home_learning_plan.docx .docx
Appendix_5_Homelearning_Timetable_KS2.docx .docx
Appendix_4_Homelearning_Timetable_KS1.docx .docx

Home learning


Display policies

Appendix_2.pdf .pdf .pub
Computing_Display_Policy_1_.docx .docx
Writing_Display_Policy.docx .docx
Science_Display_policy.docx .docx
Reading_Display_Policy.docx .docx
RE_Displays.docx .docx
PE_Display_outline_2020_2021.docx .docx
Maths.docx .docx
LANGUAGES_Displays.docx .docx

Marking And Feedback Documents

04_Day_to_Day_Ass_Strategies_1_.pdf .pdf
Marking_policy_RE_and_French.docx .docx
Marking_Pencils.docx .docx
Marking_Overview_Green_and_Blue_Pen.docx .docx
Marking_in_PE.docx .docx
Framework_for_Marking_Writing.docx .docx
Feedback_marking_maths.pdf .pdf
All_other_subjects_marking_and_feedback.docx .docx
Science_Marking.docx .docx

Catch-up Curriculum


For pupils in early years:

  • For children in nursery: we are focusing on the prime areas of learning, including communication and language; personal, social and emotional development (PSED); and physical development
  • For children in reception: we are focusing on the above, but also assessing and addressing gaps in language, early reading and maths, particularly ensuring children’s acquisition of phonic knowledge and extending their vocabulary and follow up with a bespoke plan for individuals, groups and adapt the daily timetable accordingly and as frequently as needed
  • For all children: we are following updates to the disapplication guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage and considering how all groups of children can be given equal opportunities for outdoor learning
  • Further guidance and detailed information can be discussed with the Early Years Team.


For pupils in KS1 and KS2, we have prioritised:

  • Identifying gaps and re-establishing good progress in the 'essentials' (phonics and reading, increasing vocabulary, writing and maths):

Gaps in learning has been identified in a number of ways:

  1. Staff (from 2019-2020 academic year) identifying missed learning and using the Rift House non-negotiables to create a traffic light system so new teachers are guided to which objectives of the curriculum to prioritise and assess in September (appendix 1). Shared in transition
  2. By carrying out a range of assessment activities in the core subjects in the first week of school in September (see 3-day timetable – appendix 2). An agreed assessment pro-forma (appendix 3) has been used to establish individual, group and whole class objectives specific to the core fundamentals that need to be re-established in the coming term following on from this 3-day teaching. It also allows staff to identify any early interventions that needs to be put in place therefore re-establishing good progress.

Science – One of the units missed were identified and streamlined to form a science afternoon (3-day timetable), to ensure children caught up on any missed objectives. The other units objectives missed is readdressed throughout the academic year 2020-2021.

  1. Non-core subjects were looked at closely by subject leaders before the Summer and staff identified any missed learning that needed to be caught up on in the September term. These were then shared and subject leaders supported staff members during meetings and through resources. The findings of this showed:

A new curriculum was to be introduced for computing, PSHCE and RE so therefore did not require any catch up.

Because of the alternating teaching of History and Geography over each term, and due to recent CPD around history and therefore the double application of the subject prior, no history objectives were missed. Therefore, the three day timetable (appendix 2) created a whole afternoon of geography where the missed objectives from the previous year would be covered. Any other missed subject knowledge was to be established through guided reading chosen texts. This will also ensure children read more widely and contribute to the curriculum remaining broad and balanced.

The majority of art objectives were covered in the academic year 2019-2020. Those not covered were either repeated in the next academic year or through DT, and therefore the art curriculum could be followed as usual and coverage would remain.

An afternoon of DT would be taught in the three day timetable (appendix 2) to catch up on a missed unit of work, where objectives would not be covered in the coming year and this would be used to inform non-fiction writing to gain assessment information around children’s writing and give meaning.


In line with current government guidance around singing and the sharing of resources and equipment, music will be taught in Autumn 2, when the guidance has been reviewed. It will be adapted to meet the objectives of the NC where possible. It will include the teaching of a musical instrument for identified year groups and will be risk assessed according to guidance.

After reviewing the languages and PE curriculum, it was clear that all missed objectives would be covered in the following academic year – so no catch up action was needed.

Note: Appendix 3, outlines for each year group non-core objectives to be caught up on. The three-day timetable (appendix 2) reflects these findings.

Re-establishing good progress in the core subjects through planning, resources and assessment. Staff were involved in a number of training sessions before breaking up for the Summer. These included what resources we would utilize, what guidance would ensure good progress and how this would be implemented in ever day teaching. Each subject was delivered by subject leaders and included:

  1. English –

Updated MTP to include a larger breadth of authors, including female and cultural variants.

Planning exemplars revisited for fiction, non-fiction, poetry and novel approach teaching to ensure consistency and curriculum momentum.

Revisiting of marking expectations across the subject so that marking is purposeful and moves children on in their learning.

Training around the application of guided reading and group work in line with Covid guidance, to ensure specific reading support can be identified and that a range of elements within the reading curriculum proven to secure progress is present e.g. reading for pleasure, group learning, vocabulary identification etc.

  1. Maths –

Knowledge organisers fom years 1-6 shared so staff are able to easily identify gaps and build on prior learning.

Mixed age group planning framework from the White Rose utilized to ensure staff are aware of the building blocks missed and can plan for these before moving on to their year group curriculum.

New planning pro-forma developed to ensure prior knowledge can be built upon and the three key fundamentals of the maths curriculum can be catered to.

  1. Science-

Current practices revisited and shared to ensure understanding.

On return to school staff have had training on making use of accelerated learning teaching practices through well researched and proven strategies this include the adoption of Rosenshine’s Principles of Instructions – a summary PDF can be provided.


Curriculum and wellbeing

Having a plan to support the wellbeing of pupils and allowing them time to become familiar with new routines was enabled through timetabling (appendix 2), training for staff and planning. We understood the importance that pupils needed to be feeling positive about being back at school, for their own mental health and to be able to access and embrace the curriculum. On our PD Day before the return of pupils to school, teaching (including early years staff) and support staff received safeguarding update training and training around helping staff to: understand the spectrum of issues for pupils returning to school; spot the signs of anxiety, trauma and grief; and, act to support pupils who are struggling with any of these issues – including making use of the ‘Talk to the Team’ resource. Further guidance can also be found in our Home School Agreement: Covid.



Staff have attended CPD sessions around best practice for accelerating learning that includes the type of interventions to be used and when – see PPT – appendix ?. For further information please see the highlighted LA Document as to what interventions the school has training on and is planning to use.


Marking Policy and Display policy

The marking policy has been revisited and developed to continue to support the progress of children and act as a strong form of feedback in a child’s learning journey, while maintaining the safety of all pupils and staff. A stamp approach has been introduced to indicate proactive feedback during a session. Stamps are a timely way to ensure feedback and can be used by asking children move back, while the adult is able to not face the child and stamp their books. More information can be found in the school’s marking policy.

The display policy reflects current guidance for each subject and ensures key learning and safety is promoted in all year groups. New subject specific display policies also actively promote developing and building on their knowledge and vocabulary, and include missed learning More information can be found in the school’s display policy.


A broad and balanced curriculum:

Across the school we will keep the curriculum broad, so that the majority of pupils are taught a full range of subjects over the year (e.g. sciences, humanities, the arts, PE, RE) – see appendix 10 for an example timetable that reflects the new individual year group staggered start, finish and lunch times. Therefore, interventions will be carefully planned for and timetabled holding this viewpoint at its heart. Equally, we recognise that creating a familiar routine through timetabling subjects to be included daily/weekly as before school closure will provide children and staff with a level of familiarity that will promote wellbeing for all. For the first term, at least, children will not participate in educational visits.



Assemblies have been adapted to ensure that achievements, key messages and wellbeing continue to be a priority and will be held in virtual form displayed on screens in classrooms. Detailed guidance can be found in appendix 9.


Home learning:

In the event that bubbles need to self-isolate and cannot come into school, school will work hard to create a three week home learning plan that can be quickly put into place via SeeSaw (see appendix 4,5 & 6 home learning timetables KS1 and 2 and three week expectations). We have created a similar stand-alone individual plan for individuals who are unable to attend school also (appendix 7) – for those children unable to access technology a home learning paper pack will be delivered at the start of the isolation period, for those children who are able to access new learning independently they will have access to the learning that takes place at school – for those not able, the aforementioned plan will be implemented. These plans will include a timetabled day similar to that expected at school, it will address core and non-core learning in a differentiated way so that children have continued support, and the three week plan will include ‘live’ sessions through Microsoft Teams for different sessions throughout the week, worksheets, small tasks, electronic books and educational gaming platforms. Staff and children will be taught how to make use of this software as a priority on return to school and a refresher will be given on the uses of SeeSaw for staff and children. In the event that a teaching member is unable to deliver and monitor the home learning plan, we have a number of key staff who will be able to cover this: RB, LB and KM. Marking and feedback will be through our learning platform and will be given daily – see attached documents for specifics. For those children with additional needs individual tailored packs have been created in book form for each individual child (class 7).


We have also created two week consolidation packs with accompanying PPTs so that classes continue to maintain progress in the event of teacher absence (see appendix 8 for an overview of how packs have been created).


Weekly phone calls will take place for all children self-isolating whether individually or as a bubble and support will be offered to all families – note: this may be in the form of the wellbeing/safeguarding team if necessary. Questionnaires will be sent out to children and parents to give us access to feedback and make adaptations as necessary. The wellbeing team will have a log of these along with outcomes.
Training has been given to staff around the acceptable use of technology and expectations for all stakeholders. Further guidance can be found in the following policies:

• Remote Learning Policy
• RHPS – Teams AUP chn
• RHPS – Parent Guide to Microsoft Teams and Parent Quick Guide

Planning and delivering of a home learning curriculum has been monitored and supported by members of the SLT – a monitoring log proforma can be found in appendix 11 of this document.
Subject leaders are able to monitor specific subject tasks set by teachers though our shared area and subject engagement is to be monitored on the agreed pro-forma – appendix 12. 

Note: The Department for Education is planning on the basis that statutory primary assessments will take place in summer 2021, although it has delayed the introduction of the new reception baseline assessment until September 2021.


A summary of the above information can be found in our ‘Tiered Approach Document’.


Catch up Curriculum Appendicies

appendix_9_assemblies.docx .docx
appendix_6_homelearning_expectations.docx .docx
appendix_1_transition_objectives_catch_up.docx .docx
Appendix_12_Individual_subject_engagement.docx .docx
Appendix_11_Home_Learning_Monitoring_Log_SLT.docx .docx
Appendix_10_Example_school_timetable.docx .docx
Appendix_8_Staff_only_isolation_teaching_PPT_and_Pack.docx .docx
Appendix_7_Individual_home_learning_plan.docx .docx
Appendix_5_Homelearning_Timetable_KS2.docx .docx
Appendix_4_Homelearning_Timetable_KS1.docx .docx

Home learning


Display policies

Appendix_2.pdf .pdf .pub
Computing_Display_Policy_1_.docx .docx
Writing_Display_Policy.docx .docx
Science_Display_policy.docx .docx
Reading_Display_Policy.docx .docx
RE_Displays.docx .docx
PE_Display_outline_2020_2021.docx .docx
Maths.docx .docx
LANGUAGES_Displays.docx .docx

Marking And Feedback Documents

04_Day_to_Day_Ass_Strategies_1_.pdf .pdf
Marking_policy_RE_and_French.docx .docx
Marking_Pencils.docx .docx
Marking_Overview_Green_and_Blue_Pen.docx .docx
Marking_in_PE.docx .docx
Framework_for_Marking_Writing.docx .docx
Feedback_marking_maths.pdf .pdf
All_other_subjects_marking_and_feedback.docx .docx
Science_Marking.docx .docx

Catch-up Curriculum


For pupils in early years:

  • For children in nursery: we are focusing on the prime areas of learning, including communication and language; personal, social and emotional development (PSED); and physical development
  • For children in reception: we are focusing on the above, but also assessing and addressing gaps in language, early reading and maths, particularly ensuring children’s acquisition of phonic knowledge and extending their vocabulary and follow up with a bespoke plan for individuals, groups and adapt the daily timetable accordingly and as frequently as needed
  • For all children: we are following updates to the disapplication guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage and considering how all groups of children can be given equal opportunities for outdoor learning
  • Further guidance and detailed information can be discussed with the Early Years Team.


For pupils in KS1 and KS2, we have prioritised:

  • Identifying gaps and re-establishing good progress in the 'essentials' (phonics and reading, increasing vocabulary, writing and maths):

Gaps in learning has been identified in a number of ways:

  1. Staff (from 2019-2020 academic year) identifying missed learning and using the Rift House non-negotiables to create a traffic light system so new teachers are guided to which objectives of the curriculum to prioritise and assess in September (appendix 1). Shared in transition
  2. By carrying out a range of assessment activities in the core subjects in the first week of school in September (see 3-day timetable – appendix 2). An agreed assessment pro-forma (appendix 3) has been used to establish individual, group and whole class objectives specific to the core fundamentals that need to be re-established in the coming term following on from this 3-day teaching. It also allows staff to identify any early interventions that needs to be put in place therefore re-establishing good progress.

Science – One of the units missed were identified and streamlined to form a science afternoon (3-day timetable), to ensure children caught up on any missed objectives. The other units objectives missed is readdressed throughout the academic year 2020-2021.

  1. Non-core subjects were looked at closely by subject leaders before the Summer and staff identified any missed learning that needed to be caught up on in the September term. These were then shared and subject leaders supported staff members during meetings and through resources. The findings of this showed:

A new curriculum was to be introduced for computing, PSHCE and RE so therefore did not require any catch up.

Because of the alternating teaching of History and Geography over each term, and due to recent CPD around history and therefore the double application of the subject prior, no history objectives were missed. Therefore, the three day timetable (appendix 2) created a whole afternoon of geography where the missed objectives from the previous year would be covered. Any other missed subject knowledge was to be established through guided reading chosen texts. This will also ensure children read more widely and contribute to the curriculum remaining broad and balanced.

The majority of art objectives were covered in the academic year 2019-2020. Those not covered were either repeated in the next academic year or through DT, and therefore the art curriculum could be followed as usual and coverage would remain.

An afternoon of DT would be taught in the three day timetable (appendix 2) to catch up on a missed unit of work, where objectives would not be covered in the coming year and this would be used to inform non-fiction writing to gain assessment information around children’s writing and give meaning.


In line with current government guidance around singing and the sharing of resources and equipment, music will be taught in Autumn 2, when the guidance has been reviewed. It will be adapted to meet the objectives of the NC where possible. It will include the teaching of a musical instrument for identified year groups and will be risk assessed according to guidance.

After reviewing the languages and PE curriculum, it was clear that all missed objectives would be covered in the following academic year – so no catch up action was needed.

Note: Appendix 3, outlines for each year group non-core objectives to be caught up on. The three-day timetable (appendix 2) reflects these findings.

Re-establishing good progress in the core subjects through planning, resources and assessment. Staff were involved in a number of training sessions before breaking up for the Summer. These included what resources we would utilize, what guidance would ensure good progress and how this would be implemented in ever day teaching. Each subject was delivered by subject leaders and included:

  1. English –

Updated MTP to include a larger breadth of authors, including female and cultural variants.

Planning exemplars revisited for fiction, non-fiction, poetry and novel approach teaching to ensure consistency and curriculum momentum.

Revisiting of marking expectations across the subject so that marking is purposeful and moves children on in their learning.

Training around the application of guided reading and group work in line with Covid guidance, to ensure specific reading support can be identified and that a range of elements within the reading curriculum proven to secure progress is present e.g. reading for pleasure, group learning, vocabulary identification etc.

  1. Maths –

Knowledge organisers fom years 1-6 shared so staff are able to easily identify gaps and build on prior learning.

Mixed age group planning framework from the White Rose utilized to ensure staff are aware of the building blocks missed and can plan for these before moving on to their year group curriculum.

New planning pro-forma developed to ensure prior knowledge can be built upon and the three key fundamentals of the maths curriculum can be catered to.

  1. Science-

Current practices revisited and shared to ensure understanding.

On return to school staff have had training on making use of accelerated learning teaching practices through well researched and proven strategies this include the adoption of Rosenshine’s Principles of Instructions – a summary PDF can be provided.


Curriculum and wellbeing

Having a plan to support the wellbeing of pupils and allowing them time to become familiar with new routines was enabled through timetabling (appendix 2), training for staff and planning. We understood the importance that pupils needed to be feeling positive about being back at school, for their own mental health and to be able to access and embrace the curriculum. On our PD Day before the return of pupils to school, teaching (including early years staff) and support staff received safeguarding update training and training around helping staff to: understand the spectrum of issues for pupils returning to school; spot the signs of anxiety, trauma and grief; and, act to support pupils who are struggling with any of these issues – including making use of the ‘Talk to the Team’ resource. Further guidance can also be found in our Home School Agreement: Covid.



Staff have attended CPD sessions around best practice for accelerating learning that includes the type of interventions to be used and when – see PPT – appendix ?. For further information please see the highlighted LA Document as to what interventions the school has training on and is planning to use.


Marking Policy and Display policy

The marking policy has been revisited and developed to continue to support the progress of children and act as a strong form of feedback in a child’s learning journey, while maintaining the safety of all pupils and staff. A stamp approach has been introduced to indicate proactive feedback during a session. Stamps are a timely way to ensure feedback and can be used by asking children move back, while the adult is able to not face the child and stamp their books. More information can be found in the school’s marking policy.

The display policy reflects current guidance for each subject and ensures key learning and safety is promoted in all year groups. New subject specific display policies also actively promote developing and building on their knowledge and vocabulary, and include missed learning More information can be found in the school’s display policy.


A broad and balanced curriculum:

Across the school we will keep the curriculum broad, so that the majority of pupils are taught a full range of subjects over the year (e.g. sciences, humanities, the arts, PE, RE) – see appendix 10 for an example timetable that reflects the new individual year group staggered start, finish and lunch times. Therefore, interventions will be carefully planned for and timetabled holding this viewpoint at its heart. Equally, we recognise that creating a familiar routine through timetabling subjects to be included daily/weekly as before school closure will provide children and staff with a level of familiarity that will promote wellbeing for all. For the first term, at least, children will not participate in educational visits.



Assemblies have been adapted to ensure that achievements, key messages and wellbeing continue to be a priority and will be held in virtual form displayed on screens in classrooms. Detailed guidance can be found in appendix 9.


Home learning:

In the event that bubbles need to self-isolate and cannot come into school, school will work hard to create a three week home learning plan that can be quickly put into place via SeeSaw (see appendix 4,5 & 6 home learning timetables KS1 and 2 and three week expectations). We have created a similar stand-alone individual plan for individuals who are unable to attend school also (appendix 7) – for those children unable to access technology a home learning paper pack will be delivered at the start of the isolation period, for those children who are able to access new learning independently they will have access to the learning that takes place at school – for those not able, the aforementioned plan will be implemented. These plans will include a timetabled day similar to that expected at school, it will address core and non-core learning in a differentiated way so that children have continued support, and the three week plan will include ‘live’ sessions through Microsoft Teams for different sessions throughout the week, worksheets, small tasks, electronic books and educational gaming platforms. Staff and children will be taught how to make use of this software as a priority on return to school and a refresher will be given on the uses of SeeSaw for staff and children. In the event that a teaching member is unable to deliver and monitor the home learning plan, we have a number of key staff who will be able to cover this: RB, LB and KM. Marking and feedback will be through our learning platform and will be given daily – see attached documents for specifics. For those children with additional needs individual tailored packs have been created in book form for each individual child (class 7).


We have also created two week consolidation packs with accompanying PPTs so that classes continue to maintain progress in the event of teacher absence (see appendix 8 for an overview of how packs have been created).


Weekly phone calls will take place for all children self-isolating whether individually or as a bubble and support will be offered to all families – note: this may be in the form of the wellbeing/safeguarding team if necessary. Questionnaires will be sent out to children and parents to give us access to feedback and make adaptations as necessary. The wellbeing team will have a log of these along with outcomes.
Training has been given to staff around the acceptable use of technology and expectations for all stakeholders. Further guidance can be found in the following policies:

• Remote Learning Policy
• RHPS – Teams AUP chn
• RHPS – Parent Guide to Microsoft Teams and Parent Quick Guide

Planning and delivering of a home learning curriculum has been monitored and supported by members of the SLT – a monitoring log proforma can be found in appendix 11 of this document.
Subject leaders are able to monitor specific subject tasks set by teachers though our shared area and subject engagement is to be monitored on the agreed pro-forma – appendix 12. 

Note: The Department for Education is planning on the basis that statutory primary assessments will take place in summer 2021, although it has delayed the introduction of the new reception baseline assessment until September 2021.


A summary of the above information can be found in our ‘Tiered Approach Document’.


Catch up Curriculum Appendicies

appendix_9_assemblies.docx .docx
appendix_6_homelearning_expectations.docx .docx
appendix_1_transition_objectives_catch_up.docx .docx
Appendix_12_Individual_subject_engagement.docx .docx
Appendix_11_Home_Learning_Monitoring_Log_SLT.docx .docx
Appendix_10_Example_school_timetable.docx .docx
Appendix_8_Staff_only_isolation_teaching_PPT_and_Pack.docx .docx
Appendix_7_Individual_home_learning_plan.docx .docx
Appendix_5_Homelearning_Timetable_KS2.docx .docx
Appendix_4_Homelearning_Timetable_KS1.docx .docx

Home learning


Display policies

Appendix_2.pdf .pdf .pub
Computing_Display_Policy_1_.docx .docx
Writing_Display_Policy.docx .docx
Science_Display_policy.docx .docx
Reading_Display_Policy.docx .docx
RE_Displays.docx .docx
PE_Display_outline_2020_2021.docx .docx
Maths.docx .docx
LANGUAGES_Displays.docx .docx

Marking And Feedback Documents

04_Day_to_Day_Ass_Strategies_1_.pdf .pdf
Marking_policy_RE_and_French.docx .docx
Marking_Pencils.docx .docx
Marking_Overview_Green_and_Blue_Pen.docx .docx
Marking_in_PE.docx .docx
Framework_for_Marking_Writing.docx .docx
Feedback_marking_maths.pdf .pdf
All_other_subjects_marking_and_feedback.docx .docx
Science_Marking.docx .docx