General Information

Parent Code of Conduct Policy


Magic Breakfast

We are proud to be a part of Magic Breakfast.  This charity helps us ensure 'No Child Goes Hungry' by providing nutritious bagels and cereal for our school.  Every morning freshly cooked bagles are available to all children and cereals are provided for our Breakfast Club and our Nurture Group.


'Thank you for the welcoming reception this morning where I was able to see your breakfast in action at Rift House. You have a lovely provision that already feels very embedded within your school routine. The atmosphere is calm and relaxed with a book and bagel as they start the day.'

The main points from our meeting were:

  • Your breakfast club is warm and welcoming with a calm routine atmosphere. Children were happy with plenty of activities. I loved that they were making their own breakfasts!
  • A whole school targeting approach is wonderful with classroom bagels,  it is nice to see it is well received in every class and your nursery.
  • Your nurture provision was delightful! Using it to target your student and stop her coming in late looks like it has had a huge impact. It was a lovely watching her offer breakfast to everyone and seeing her pride in her role.
  • Having fresh bagels prepared in classrooms so they are warm for when children arrive makes breakfast much more inviting.

Emma McLeod 

School Partner North East 

Magic Breakfast


If anyone would like any more information on this or would like to attend our breakfast club provision please contact the main office.


SATS Information

Do you have a child in primary school in year 2 or year 6?

If so, they will be taking the national curriculum tests (commonly called SATs) in May. The tests are not qualifications and don’t affect your child’s future options in school.

The results are an opportunity to compare pupils nationally to ensure schools are helping pupils to master the basics in English and mathematics, and make progress.

They are also an important tool to help teachers identify pupils who may need additional support, and make sure this is put in place as early as possible.


For more information on these tests please read (SATS)

Term-time holiday

  • All holidays to be unauthorised, unless exceptional circumstances are proved. Exceptional circumstances are those considered exceptional by the Head Teacher. 
  • Please be aware that if your child has poor attendance (less than 90%) in the 39 school weeks prior to the requested leave of absence and you choose to take your child/ren out of school for the purpose of a holiday in term time, the case will be referred to the Local Education Authority’s School Attendance Team.  The Local Authority will issue a penalty notice (fine) to each responsible parent in line with Department of Education guidelines and the school’s attendance policy.
  • We encourage parents/guardians to take holidays during school holiday times in order that children may gain a full education programme and a good attendance record.


Administering medicines to children protocol/procedure


  1. Any child requiring ‘prescribed’ medicine in school must have parents/carers complete appropriate form in office. 
  1. Office will then photocopy completed signed form and will forward relevant part to class teacher. 
  1. All use by dates will be checked before storage of medicines and these will be recorded on the appropriate form. 
  1. Any medicine that is no longer needed will be returned to parents a.s.a.p.  
  1. Class teacher is responsible for ensuring child administers medicine at the appropriate time. Any child requiring medicine will be written on the displayed medical sheet in class. 
  1. Medicine will be administered in the office by a First Aid Trained member of staff, unless an alternative medical plan is in place. 
  1. Medicine will not be taken from a parent unless the above procedure is followed.

Parents must collect medicines from the office in person. Medicines cannot be given to the children to take home. Medicines will not be left in the school during the school holidays.  




We are now a cashless school and using ParentPay for all payment items.

 If you have not yet signed up please see office staff for information how to and your options in doing so.  We can offer various options from online payments to cards for topping up in stores.





For additional information on how to treat Head Lice, please CLICK HERE

The Sleep Charity


A national, award-winning charity empowering the nation to sleep better

We are one of the leading, independent expert voices on sleep issues in the UK and we are here to help everyone get a better night’s sleep. Whether it’s advice, education or support for children, teenagers, adults, workplaces or professionals, we are on hand with expert knowledge, resources and accredited training.

It’s time to wake up to sleep.

 Parents Forum

 We have started a parents forum so that parent's valuable views and ideas can be shared.  The parents forum will support the school in self-evaluation and development planning.

The parents forum will meet once every half term there will also be a whole school parents forum which will meet the week after where information discussed during the working party will be shared.  All parents are welcome to attend the parents forum.


Headteacher 'drop-in' sessions every Friday

9:00 - 10:00am

Parent 'Voicebox' in the reception foyer, please add any thoughts or ideas.

(These sessions have been postponed due to Covid19, however your opinions and suggestions are vital.  Please phone and request a call back or email -


Your thoughts and ideas are crucial in driving forward school improvement. 

Paper Copies 

Please note: paper copies can be requested containing the information displayed on this website.